Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Wedding weekend

Well, my little brother is now a married man! This past weekend Josh got married to his new wife (and my new sister-in-law) Renee. It was a great weekend, and a beautiful ceremony! As always, it went by way too fast, but we have a lot of pictures to remember the day by. I've put one picture in this post, but there will be more to come! Claire got a pretty new dress for her uncles wedding...and Erin and I cleaned up pretty good as well:) I got to have my first slow dance with Claire, which was very special, and she also got to dance with mommy and Uncle Josh. Thankfully Aunt Kate came to be our "nanny" for the weekend, which was a huge help! More pictures to come!!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Cookie Monster!?!

I think somebody likes her carrots!! :-)

The last few weeks...

Sorry for the lack of new photos, been a busy past few weeks. Here is a collection of shots...from a few candids of Claire, her and Baxer hanging out, her in her 4th of July outfit, and us at Kendall's birthday party. There will be many more to come since Uncle Josh is getting married this weekend...and we'll be making a trip to Nekoosa the following weekend. Stay tuned!

Look what I can do!

A few weeks ago Claire decided it was time that she started to move around...roll that is! She's still working on going from her back to her stomach, but she has the stomach-to-back perfected. Here is a short video clip from a week ago showing her new "trick".

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Our new addition...

This past weekend Aunt Kate and Uncle Adam came and visited. Not only did they get to see Claire, but they also got to baby-sit for most of the day on Saturday while Erin and I were at a wedding. Adam also helped me put together our new addition...a gazeebo for our patio. With having a new house, there unfortunately is no shade in our back yard. So, this will work out perfect so we can sit outside with Claire (and Baxter) and enjoy the nice days without getting too warm...thanks Adam! Claire also got a few gifts from Kate/Adam/Grandma/Grandpa's trip to Ireland...let the doll and beanie baby collecting begin! (You can click on the pictures to make them larger.)

Dad's in trouble...

How am I ever going to to be able to say no to this face?

Visiting Great-Grandma

Claire got to visit Great-Grandma McVey this past weekend, and of course had to wear her Irish outfit:)

I'm scared to see our cell phone bill!

It looks like Claire is definitely her mothers daughter...she is already using a cell phone to call her Aunt Kate:) Erin and Kate talk a few times a night, and it now seems that Claire has gotten into the act...not looking forward to our next bill!